Let’s Talk Meat: Where Do You Go to Fix Your Raw Meat Cravings?

Where to go to get the best quality meat in Addis Ababa

People in Addis Ababa are serious about their meat and they are usually loyal to one or two butcheries. We have all seen the frenzy that comes grabbing some raw meat or Dereq Tibs especially when fasting season is just around the corner.

Well, such time is coming, and we here at Zare Journal decided to list down the best butcheries for you so you all can go and munch on some soft juicy delicious piece of meat this weekend.

Yilma Butchery

An old establishment that has loyal fan base, this place is a favorite for the older generation. people swear you always get the softest meat here but mostly, like other butcheries, you would have to know the right people to get the kind of meat you want.

Wendmamachoch Butchery

These guys are well known for their raw meat but also for their platter called “the Combo” that includes Tibs, Kitfo, Gommen be’sega and so on. It’s a bit pricy but generous plate that can feed three people. If you are not a raw meat fan then this might be the way to go this weekend.

Kebede G/wold (aka Chinkilo)

Now if you are a night out person and you and your friends like to party around the bole area pretty late, chances are you have ended your night at Chinkilo filling up on some dulet and tibs. This place never disappoints, you always get good quality meat but place might be too crowded especially at lunch time.

Food Zone

With a name like that you wouldn’t expect it to have the best raw meat, but this place is really good and you don’t have to bribe anyone to get the good stuff. Open 24 hours, this is a favorite for those that like meat, beer and football.

Misrak Ber Dukem Butcher and Bar

These guys are active on facebook and everything they post makes you want to get up go over to the restaurant and order everything on the menu!  They also have a combo that is to die for if you are not looking for raw options.

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