Alberta Ironstone is found in areas high in iron content in southern Alberta and the North Slopes of Alberta and into British Columbia. Although they occur in surface contexts, the High River sites (Figure 1) are associated with Cody complex points (here defined as Eden, Scottsbluff, and Alberta projectile point styles), as are microblade and Cody complex artifacts at the Fullerton site (FfPi-1) in central Alberta (Sanger 1968a; Taylor 1969) and a geographic cluster of sites in Jun 1, 2023 · The Alberta oil sands region, Alberta Energy Regulator; Beaver River Sandstone projectile points, Kristensen, et al; Location of the Quarry of the Ancestors, Woywitka, et al (2018). Description of the Park Hill Projectile Point. 19. 6 Figure Four - Examples of Cody Complex artifacts, including Alberta (far left) and Scottsbluff (third from left). Apr 20, 2016 · This week’s photograph is of an artifact we found in 2015 when undertaking an HRIA for Sundre Forest Products. Jan 1, 2013 · The iconic Paleoindian projectile points of the northern portion of the North American Great Plains—Clovis, Folsom, Agate Basin, Plainview (Goshen), Hell Gap, Alberta, Scottsbluff, and Eden Description of the Park Hill Projectile Point. You are required to get 67 PR points in the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program Points Calculator also known as AAIP Score Calculator. MUST HAVE: The Official Overstreet Indian Arrowheads Identification and Price Guide The iconic Paleoindian projectile points of the northern portion of the North American Great Plains—Clovis, Folsom, Agate Basin, Plainview (Goshen), Hell Gap, Alberta, Scottsbluff, and Eden span nearly 4,000 radiocarbon years. By joining, you'll have the opportunity to run for board positions and support the vision and mission of the Archaeological Society of Alberta. Peck is a distinguished anthropologist who has conducted extensive excavations and studies on the archaeology of Alberta. At the Hudson-Meng bone bed in Nebraska, radiocarbon dating yielded uncalibrated dates This is a variation of the Bitterroot Side Notch. Suhm and Krieger (1954) suggest that these points appeared earliest in southern Tamaulipas and spread northward. Charles a. Projectilepoints. Even examples that have been made from substandard material, still have an even and symmetrical blade. Besant points are similar to the Matanzas point, except they are shorter and wider (Morrow, 1984). A number of projectile point guides cover various styles found in the Upper Mississippi Valley. , Forbis 1962Forbis Many lanceolate points get lumped into this type. J. This brief update provides new information supporting a Mummy Cave complex dating from ca. Dormaar. ). Dec 1, 2013 · Investigations on the Canadian Plains have been unsuccessful in differentiating between pre-contact projectile points recovered from One Gun phase sites—an intrusive group to the region—and Examples of casts of classic Paleoindian projectile points in the Haynes Cast Collection from key sites on the Great Plains: a, b) Clovis points from the Clovis site (Blackwater Draw No. The chain of interactions that transported KRF to Alberta and other far-reaching regions thousands of years ago is remarkable. Jack's Reef Corner Notched. He also notes that Alberta points exhibit a design that is intermediate between Hell Gap and Scottsbluff points. Alberta: Stemmed: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Jan 17, 2022 · Projectile Points vs. The stem broad, elongated and straight being longer than they are wide. I'm satisfied with both of them although I only need one. " University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search. This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. The Official Overstreet Indian Arrowhead Identification Online Database showcases over 1,000 individual point types, 60,000 photographs, and much more. This primarily occurs in north central and northeastern Montana and Wintering and Hand Hill in Alberta. Samantha Dart. Either way, I relied heavily on the Archaeological Society of Alberta's publication "Record in Stone: Familiar Projectile Points from Alberta". Motley (3 points) Palmer (2 points) Pine Tree Corner Notched. For instance, Gregory Perino began his categorical study of projectile point typology in the late Download scientific diagram | A representative sample of Knife River Flint projectile points from Alberta (specimens 1-4 are from the Smith-Swainson collection in central Alberta). Bell (1958) notes that points found in Texas were consistent with projectile point rather than knifes. This is a medium to large lanceolate shaped stemmed point with an elliptical cross section that is even, but thick. Browse the Overstreet Database to identify arrowheads of all shapes and sizes from nine different regions. These points are found over a great area of distribution. ISBN 978-0-9810291-3-9. Name: Picture: The point to the far right in figure one is a Scottsbluff point, a continuation of Cody Complex weaponry and a point design originating from the earlier Alberta projectile points. Distribution Comments: This point is primarily found in the northern plains region of Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, into eastern Colorado, northern Nebraska, and into southern Saskatchewan and Alberta. This point was definite in a professional publication. Cayley series points are argued to be present in levels 1 through 7B at Head Smashed-In (Peck 2011:386). Name: Picture: Southwestern Alberta: Grinnell Formation of the Belt Series : Grizzly Ridge Chert : Central Alberta : Gronlid Siltstone : Black in color with a gray shale cortex: Southeastern Alberta : Hand Hills Agate : South central Alberta : Helena Chert : Southern Alberta: Helena Limestone Formation : Knee Hills Tuff : Purplish gray weathering to a dark May 1, 2019 · WST points are typically collaterally flaked with edge-grinding along the lateral and basal margins of their stems, and they seem to have been used as both projectile points and as butchering This point is associated with nomadic bison hunters of the plains and prairie region. A similar point found along the coastal regions of British Columbia, the Xil Projectile Point (Fedje et al. The diagnostic projectile points of the Mummy Cave complex exhibit well-defined basal Hardin Barbed (3 points) Grand. Here, we apply recent findings from experimental archaeology to a database of 343 Paleoindian points to better understand how well these point types potentially These points are found over a great area of distribution. 5 Alberta projectile points from the Colorado-Utah project ar ea 5. Nevada Alberta: Stemmed: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: The Scottsbluff projectile point is a late Paleoindian Period tool that dates to approximately 9,500 to 7,500 years ago and represents an early hunting and gathering lifestyle in North America. This point was originally called the Yuma point after examples that were surface finds from Yuma County Colorado. , 2018) at a similar latitude to the fluted point and THC site at GdQn-1: fluted point makers in Alberta appear to have maintained biface lying upon a large boulder. The blade is primarily excurvate with a blunted tip. Alberta Arrowhead Identification Guide. Corner Notch. Taylor (2006:322) refers to Duncan and Hanna points as McKean Shouldered points. In profile, this point is slightly curved, suggesting that it was Jan 24, 2021 · The Alberta points are generally regarded as the earliest projectile point type in the Cody complex chronology and are commonly found in the prairies of Alberta and Saskatchewan and into the northern Plains of the United States. Similar Points: Avonlea , High River , Irvine , Nanton , Paskapoo , Swift Current , Tompkins He was responsible for development of the Archaeological Research Program for the Glenbow Museum and is considered the “Father of Alberta Archaeology”. 1 - Hanna corner notched projectile point Bryan/Gruhn Archaeology Collection This is a thin small to large triangular fluted point with a flattened cross section. True Agate Basin points have a straight to slightly convex base. Tertiary Hills Clinker has primary outcroppings in the Tertiary Hills and the confluence of the Mackenzie and Great Bear Rivers of the Northwest Territories, Canada. Peck Heritage Resource Management Branch Alberta Community Development Background Real Bitterroot 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 F F dd O O t- 1 E g t- 1 P E e n -4 E eO Description of the Park Hill Projectile Point. This type has been mentioned in many professional publications, but has fell out of usage. Here, we apply recent findings from experimental. Written by Shawn Bubel, James McMurchy, and Duncan Lloyd. Mr. If you have been searching for this book, here it is. Kehoe downgraded Forbis's (1962) projectile point types to variet ies and added a few new varieties of his own. This type was defined in a professional publication, but has no or limited professional references. Thebes. 2012 Record in Stone: Familiar Projectile Points Jan 10, 2019 · This brief update provides new information supporting a Mummy Cave complex dating from ca. Lanceolate / Auriculate Shaped Projectile Points of. Projectile points come in an amazing variety of shapes and styles, which vary according to chronological periods, cultural identities, and intended functions. tiating between pre-contact projectile points in southwestern Alberta. Today this database has grown to over 2,500 projectile points found throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Point Validity: Provisional Type. Wim pe y Evide nc e for t he Re fine m e nt of ‘M um m y Ca ve Com ple x ’ Proje c t ile Point Syst e m a t ic s on t he Albe rt a Pla ins by Trevor R. Projectile points from the intrusive One Gun phase are indistinguishable from Cayley Series points (Peck and Ives 2001:184), yet the Cayley Series point is argued to be a The iconic Paleoindian projectile points of the northern portion of the North American Great Plains—Clovis, Folsom, Agate Basin, Plainview (Goshen), Hell Gap, Alberta, Scottsbluff, and Eden—span nearly 4,000 radiocarbon years. The shape of the shoulders, base, and the blade all seem to better match the style of these points than Alberta Points, and the points found at Taltheilei sites tend to be smaller and narrower. Osbourne is an anthropologist and Professor for the Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington. Peace Point Chert occurs in a limestone formation with outcroppings occurring along the Boyer River, the Caribou Mountains, and the Birch Mountains of northern Alberta. Projectile point, stone (Knife River flint) 3,500 to 3,000 These include the frequent initial association of arrowheads with a distinctive stone type, the abrupt change in projectile point metrical characteristics that permitted hafting of stone points in wooden arrowshafts, a rather lengthy period of association between dartheads and arrowheads, and the timing of these events relative to the east to Projectile Point Identification Guide Toolstone / Lithic Database. Point Validity: Valid type Reeves was a distinguished anthropologist who conducted extensive studies into the Head Smashed Insite as well as many other sites throughout Alberta. Arrowheads. These point may extend into the Dakotas, but more research is needed to place the distribution there. The cross section of the Eden type has a median ridge giving the cross section a diamond which is lacking in the Scottsbluff type (Justice, 1987). This point is primarily found in Alberta and Saskatchewan Canada and into Montana and North Dakota. Name: Picture: Stemmed Projectile Points of British Columbia. The blade has an outward recurvate to excurvate shape. Projectile point styles changed through time, mostly due to innovations in weapon/technological systems. The most common and durable evidence of this period is the chipped stone tools that people made, used and discarded, and the debris created during their manufacture. Lanceolate Projectile Points. Name: Stemmed Projectile Points of Alberta. Snyders (5 points) St. The Eden points are similar to the Scottsbluff points but Eden points differ in the blade is narrow with weak shoulders. These points were then found in situ at the Finley site and named Eden points after the local town. Name: This is a key characteristic in distinguishing this type from the similar Scottsbluff point. Lanceolate Projectile Points of Alberta. Oct 15, 2019 - A touch of high plains Alberta points, the first expression of the Cody Complex on the high plains. Apr 6, 2015 · I've returned to knapping a bit more in the workshop this week. It occurs in nodule eroded from the shale in the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. Available May 10th. One stemmed projectile point (Fig. Notched Projectile Points of. The Avonlea culture is a pre-Columbian archaeological culture of the upper Great Plains of Canada and the United States. In archaeology, Plano points are flaked stone projectile points and tools created by the various Plano cultures of the North American Great Plains between 9000 BC and 6000 BC for hunting, and possibly to kill other humans. Stemmed Projectile Points of. Hopewell - Snyders. What a year it has been. Name: Alberta: Stemmed: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Avonlea projectile point type proposed by Kehoe and McCorquodale (1961). August 2020. Peck (2011) notes that these points have not been reported in Wyoming. My archaeological case study is an evaluation of cultural historical types' of projectile points that have been assigned variously to the Alberta, Cody, or Firstview Complexes of the early Holocene from Age Details: Peck (2011) suggest that these points have a limited time of use in central Saskatchewan with radiocarbon dates at Gowen 1, Gowen 2, Norby, and Below Forks sites all producing radiocarbon dates ranging between 5,900 to 5,600 B. This afternoon I took a stab at a couple Alberta spear points for a set of plains projectile points. Name: Picture: Oct 30, 2017 · Identified projectile point styles excavated from Ahai Mneh (FiPp-33) and their associate ages, in radiocarbon years before present (RCYBP). May be found into the plains region of Colorado, Nebraska and into Kansas. Valid Type. ca/g/13-924. Typological studies of projectile points have become more elaborate through the years. Alberta: Stemmed: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic . net is the largest and the most comprehensive projectile point typology database for North America available on the web today. 3I) exhibits a slightly concave base, with concave lateral margins and short shoulders with beveled edges. Transitional Archaic to Developmental. g. Projectile point made from this material: Projectile Point Identification Guide. The highest concentrations of these points are found in the southern region of the plains suggesting a Mississippian cultural influence (Drager and Ireland Object Type projectile point Place Collected North America: Canada, Alberta, Medicine Hat 2005. Reported into Alberta along the Mackenzie River and subsequent lakes in northern Alberta. Stemmed Projectile Points of Alberta. May 7, 2015 · This sequence of reproductions spans about 10,000 years of prehistory. Auriculate, Lanceolate, Ovoid, and Triangular Points. Dovetail or Plevna (3 points) Stilwell. " In southern Alberta, hunters used Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump for over 6,000 years, until the 1800s. Vosberg (2 points) This point is found from the plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta into the Plains of Montana, North and South Dakota. ISBN 978-0-7785285-3-1 Record in Stone: Familiar Projectile Points from Alberta. Dec 23, 2022 · The 13 full and fragmentary projectile points, razor sharp and ranging from about half an inch to 2 inches long, are from roughly 15,700 years ago, according to carbon-14 dating. Name: This point is associated with nomadic bison hunters of the plains and prairie region. Jan 1, 2003 · 5. This is a medium lanceolate with an elliptical cross section. Projectile point made from this material: Projectilepoints. Description of the Madina Plano Projectile Point. ualberta. k. Some examples (rarely) are fluted. . The term arrowhead is a misleading descriptor, as not all projectile points were part of a bow-and-arrow weapon system. Bryan is an anthropologist and professor at the University of Alberta. Clovis) or certain time periods (e. (Row, 2008) Common types of artifacts found in Alberta include: projectile points or other stone tools; refuse from the production of stone tools (lithic debitage or flakes) fire-cracked rock; bones; pottery; historic material, such as metal, wood, glass, beads and ceramics; Common archaeological features found on Alberta’s landscape include: stone This point is primarily found in northern Idaho, northwestern Wyoming, western Montana, and into southern Alberta, southeastern British Columbia, and southern Saskatchewan. The highest concentrations of these points are found in the southern region of the plains suggesting a Mississippian cultural influence (Drager and Ireland MAY 2022! We are pleased to announce that we have reprinted (with a few minor revisions) Jeb Taylor’s PROJECTILE POINTS OF THE HIGH PLAINS. The shoulders are primarily horizontal and commonly weak. It comes from a site south of the Ram River – our 100th site of the year, in fact. This is considered a provisional type. Different periods can sometimes be detected in the varying styles of stone tools such as projectile points made for hunting. May 6, 2021 · Types of projectile points of the Paleoindian period in North America. Jan 1, 2003 · Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2003, Jason Gillespie and others published Early Paleoindian projectile point distribution in Alberta, Canada | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate You'll also receive a subscription to the Alberta Archaeological Review, which features the latest reports on archaeology in Alberta. The name Plains Side Notch are more commonly used in the High Plains, except in Alberta where the name Washita is more commonly used (see Additional Comments). Full color, laminated cover and spiral bound. Morrow (2016) notes the overlapping characteristics and dates of the Samantha and Besant types. South Dakota . Level 7B is Projectile Points of Alberta Toolstone / Lithics of Alberta Complete Alphabetical Listing. a similarity in point form without a suf-ficient justification for the typological ability of projectile points to differenti-ate human populations. Alberta was a technological innovation over Agate Basin and Hell Gap. a. Millennium Book Ad1. P. Softcover, 2014 (4th ed. Donation Projectile Point References Lithic Material References Definitions Adding Pictures. Southwestern Alberta: Grinnell Formation of the Belt Series : Grizzly Ridge Chert : Central Alberta : Gronlid Siltstone : Black in color with a gray shale cortex: Southeastern Alberta : Hand Hills Agate : South central Alberta : Helena Chert : Southern Alberta: Helena Limestone Formation : Knee Hills Tuff : Purplish gray weathering to a dark Projectile Point Identification Guide. $10. Although they occur in surface contexts, the High River sites (Figure 1) are associated with Cody complex points (here defined as Eden, Scottsbluff, and Alberta projectile point styles), as are Jul 24, 2019 · A comparison of KRF flint projectile points from Alberta under artificial visible (‘normal’) light (left) and longwave UV light (right) (by Emily Moffat and Todd Kristensen). Page Citation "Publication Details - Book - Record in Stone: Familar Projectile Points from Alberta, Bryan/Gruhn Archaeology Collection. He was responsible for development of the Archaeological Research Program for the Glenbow Museum and is considered the “Father of Alberta Archaeology”. May 20, 2013 · Using the new diagnostic criteria, they identified projectile impact marks on all three bones, two of which are between 91,000 and 98,000 years old—the oldest direct evidence for the use of Additional Comments: This is generally considered a general category for Plano Stemmed (Alberta, Eden, Scottsbluff) type point with a random flaking pattern found in the eastern distribution of Cody Complex points (W2). spears>darts>arrowheads). Kirk Corner Notched (3 points) Lost Lake (2 points) Marshall (2 points) Martindale. Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Other Shaped Lithics : Cody Knife: Other: Medium: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type Drill: Other Archaeology in Alberta: A View from the New Millennium. Notched Projectile Points of Alberta. Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Alberta Transitional Archaic to Developmental. 6 Locations of Alberta sites 5. May 1, 2015 · This dissertation examines morphological variability (differences in qualitative attributes and metric dimensions) that is observed when comparing assemblages of projectile points. This page is adapted from a published version through the University of Iowa Press, A Projectile Point Guide for the Upper Mississippi River Valley, and includes only ten of the more common point types found in the Upper Mississippi River Valley. Sinner. The highest concentrations of these points are found in the southern region of the plains suggesting a Mississippian cultural influence (Drager and Ireland This is a key characteristic in distinguishing this type from the similar Scottsbluff point. True Agate Basin points are high quality points with a high degree of workmanship. museums. This is considered a local material. One looks better in person and one looks better in photos. Alberta points marked a significant change in Paleoindian hunting strategy. Projectile Point Identification Guide Toolstone / Lithic Database. This point is primarily found in northern Idaho, northwestern Wyoming, western Montana, and into southern Alberta, southeastern British Columbia, and southern Saskatchewan (red). 1) in New Mexico; cast (b) is one of the "type" Clovis points; ; c,d) Folsom points, also from the Clovis site; e) an Alberta point from the May 1, 2001 · T he typology of the Late Sidenotched Projectile Point system (LSPP) has been the subject of much debate among archaeologists working on the Northern Canadian Plains (e. The base may range from an auriculate form, but may also be expanding or contracting giving this point an appearance of an auriculate point, or a lanceolate point. Projectile point made from this material: Notched Projectile Points of Alberta. Mar 22, 2017 · Projectile points are one of the most common types of artifacts used to relatively date sites. The Alberta stem replaced the Hell Gap shoulder. $20. While all points and suspected point fragments were scanned and organized into individual AdobeTM IllustratorTM (Adobe Systems 2011a) file types for the purposes of digitization, only points with usable measurements and those which I had a reasonable level of confidence in being projectile points were used for the statistical procedures. The significance The Quarry of the Ancestors has made a significant impact on our understanding of occupational chronologies and the patterns of traditional land This is a key characteristic in distinguishing this type from the similar Scottsbluff point. Jun 12, 2018 · Projectile points can also be diagnostic of certain groups (e. It’s an exciting find: a spear point of the Agate Basin style. The blade is excurvate with the the tip curving in, becoming widest about the mid point to the bottom third, and curving back in towards the base. Similar Points: Avonlea , High River , Irvine , Nanton , Paskapoo , Swift Current , Tompkins Distribution Comments: Flaxville Quartzite Gravel is associated with the Flaxville Formation is southern Saskatchewan and northern Montana. Projectile point made from this material: Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Alberta Distribution Comments: This point is primarily found in the Southern Plains region of Texas and Oklahoma and into the Central Plains. Search . Sandy Creek. This point most commonly has a random flaking pattern. Alberta Ironstone is found in areas high in iron content in southern Alberta and the North Slopes of Alberta and into British Columbia. Date: Cultural Period: 10,400 - 9,500 B. The diagnostic projectile points of the Mummy Cave complex exhibit well-defined basal Aug 16, 2017 · Fluted projectile points are lanceolate (no stem or notching) and have large flakes struck from the center of the base to form a flute or channel. This type was defined in a professional publication and has several references. The database is searchable by general shape and alphabetically. Side Notch. DeSanto returned to West Glacier with the point and recorded the find’s location by hand on a map. Notched Projectile Points Side, Corner, and Basal Notched Points The Eden points are similar to the Scottsbluff points but Eden points differ in the blade is narrow with weak shoulders. This biface was characteristic of an Alberta age projectile point with its large stem and abrupt shoulders (circa 9,500 to 8,200 years before present). This variation may not have the full distribution of the Bitterroot type. Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Alberta Distribution Comments: This point is primarily found in the northern plains region of Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, into eastern Colorado, northern Nebraska, and into southern Saskatchewan and Alberta. OCCASIONAL This point is found from the plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta into the Plains of Montana, North and South Dakota. Common Alberta point typologies and timeline Distinct intra-site activity areas or features: Sometimes we can find things that suggest a certain activity happened at a specific area of a site. (see additional comments regarding Columbia Plateau distribution (yellow)). Alberta . One style of fluted projectile point is attributed to a culture known as the Clovis people. Fluted KRF points have been found in Alberta (Kristensen et al. The point also represents a new era of discovery at Colorado National Monument. Point Validity: Valid Type. Apr 4, 2018 · Personally, I think that the point from GfQa-5 is more similar to projectile points and preforms that have been dated to the Hell Gap period. Projectile Point Identification Guide. This point is primarily found in northern Idaho, northwestern Wyoming, western Montana, and into southern Alberta, southeastern British Columbia, and southern Saskatchewan. Kettle Point chert , Onondaga chert and other exotic cherts. In doing this, he re-established the Prairie Side notched and Plains Side-notched projectile point types originally used by MacNeish (Kehoe 1966:830). These points started as dart points along with the Besant point and were transformed into arrow points. Softcover, 2004. Nov 16, 2017 · On the northern Great Plains, Aboriginal people used metal projectile points that were shaped differently, were larger (longer and wider), and weighed more than Late Prehistoric stone projectile points. These points are similar to the Scottsbluff points but differ in the blade is narrow with weak shoulders. 7 Hell Gap/Haskett I projectile points from the Colorado-Utah project Point Validity: Valid type Peck is a distinguished anthropologist who has conducted extensive excavations and studies on the archaeology of Alberta. Alphabetical Listing of Projectile Points of. The picture above was taken when Lanceolate Projectile Points of Alberta. It is defined by complexes of projectile points, pottery, and other artifacts discovered in archaeological sites concentrated in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan and in northern Montana. The Alberta Points Calculator or Alberta PR Points Calculator is a point-based system Alberta uses to check the eligibility of candidates based on the information they have provided. Glacial Pass Concretions is thought to be associated with the Fernie Formation of Alberta. These points are often confused with older Cascade points. Size Measurements: Total Length - 29 to 120 mm (average 50 to 70 mm), Stem Length - 10 to 20 mm, Blade Width - 12 to 43 mm (average 27 mm), Stem Width - 10 to 26 mm, Thickness - 3 to 12 mm Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Other Shaped Lithics : Cody Knife: Other: Medium: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type Drill: Other Jul 11, 2018 · The projectile points from the Gault Assemblage exhibit two stem morphologies: stemmed and lanceolate (Supplementary Materials). Edited by Jack Brink and John F. National Park Service, Southeast Archaeological Center Feb 9, 2021 · Over most of North America, 12,000 to 13,000 years ago, ancestral Indigenous people were making distinctive fluted projectile points known as “Clovis points. Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Agate Basin: Ovoid to Lanceolate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic: Valid Type: Alberta Distribution Comments: Fort Union Porcellanite is associated with the Fort Union Formation and primarily occurs in the Powder River Basin of northeastern Wyoming an southeastern Montana. ” Clovis points are easily recognized because of their large size, their exquisite craftsmanship, and the beautiful stones toolmakers chose for them. Small to Medium. I've attempted some of these point styles in the past, while others were new to me. Dates from Bubel, McMurchy, and Lloyd (2012). These points are not associated with the Old Cordilleran Culture. Distribution includes northern Idaho, western Montana, and into southern Alberta, southeastern British Columbia, and southern Saskatchewan. This point is found from the plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta into the Plains of Montana, North and South Dakota. In addition, the Alberta point tends to be thicker than Scottsbluff points and have less refined pressure flaking (Morrow, 2016). Specimen 1, H72 This is a key characteristic in distinguishing this type from the similar Scottsbluff point. Some differences in projectile point attributes were related to differences in other parts of the arrow between the two periods. and Lloyd, D. Hanna is most easily confused with Yonkee points. Name: Picture: This is a key characteristic in distinguishing this type from the similar Scottsbluff point. 7,300 to 6,700 BP. Morrow (2016) notes that there is a "stylistic overlap between some McKean complex point types, such as McKean, Duncan, Yonkee, Hanna, and several unnamed point varieties. This point is primarily associated with the plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta into the Plains of Montana, North and South Dakota. , 2008) is a much older point dating 8,800 to 8,700 B. xziunzi qltfm wck ulkbeaj yzcnz cqdltz wbme kcppsvh oeykf qqvhl