Debating For a Healthier Society

The ability to effectively analyze information in order to form a judgment is a skill that can be developed through various ways including debating. This is especially true for socio-economic and political issues. In a democratic society, debating on a variety of issues cultivates a sense of empathy which would ultimately lead to the growth of freedom of expression, understanding and acceptance.

This is what Habegar Debates,an initiative by Debebe Hailegebriel Law Office, stands as a pioneering thought leadership platform on YouTube dedicated to fostering inclusive public discourse and critical thinking in Ethiopia. 

The platform is dedicated to empower Ethiopia’s future by being a catalyst for open dialogue on social, economic, political, and environmental issues. 

Diversity of perspective is mostly problematic when it is imposed and a society doesn’t get to understand it thoroughly or even get a chance to ask questions to do so. Having the space to hold constructive dialogue, and shape a nation’s discourse towards a more inclusive and informed future is exactly what Habegar Debates is doing.

According to the initiator of this platform, the objective of Habegar Debates is to empower Ethiopia’s future; strive to empower the future of the country by providing a platform for thought-provoking discussions that encourage critical thinking and informed decision-making. 

It also aims to celebrate diversity by creating a space that honors diversity encouraging active community engagement and dialogue among various segments of Ethiopian society.  is planned to position Habegar Debates as a thought leadership platform, engaging influential speakers and experts in in-depth discussions on crucial societal issues.

It is stated that debating points will revolve around topics such as Federal-Regional Tension, Transitional Government vs. Transitional Justice, Amhara-Tigray and the border issue,  Ethnic Federalism and many more.

Tune into the YouTube channel to get an insight into some of the most important conversations that are shaping Ethiopia.   

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