Alibaba Netpreneur Ethiopia

Alibaba Netpreneur Training Program Opens Applications for Ethiopian Entrepreneurs

Alibaba Netpreneur Training Program Opens Applications for Ethiopian Entrepreneurs

As part of the agreements signed between the Government of Ethiopia and Alibaba Group announcing the establishment of an eWTP Hub in Ethiopia last month, the Alibaba Business School in partnership with the Ethiopian Ministry of Innovation and Technology will be hosting the first Alibaba Netpreneur Training program for entrepreneurs and business owners from Ethiopia in March 2020. Applications for the program can be submitted through the Alibaba Netrepreneur Training website from Dec 18th, 2019 to Jan 19th, 2020.  

The 10-day program held at Alibaba’s headquarters in Hangzhou, China, is aimed at ambitious entrepreneurs and business leaders in Ethiopia who are committed to harnessing digital technology to transform local businesses for lasting success. The program aims to teach attendees to accelerate the digital development of their business and work with related parties to build success cases that will become the building blocks of their local communities and, ultimately, the larger digital economy.
Program content highlights include:
Gaining a fundamental understanding of how new technologies and the capabilities of a digitally enabled business environment.
Experiencing key insights into the evolution of Alibaba’s ecosystem and learn best practices from Alibaba’s founders and business leaders.
Hearing about key learnings from traditional businesses within China from a wide range of industries who recently underwent digital transformation.
Joining field trips to meet leading businesses within Alibaba’s ecosystem to gain first-hand insights into technology innovation.
Gaining a foundation of strategic thinking that will enable entrepreneurs to make improvements in their own business and industry.

For more information including selection criteria, please go to the Alibaba Netrepreneur Training website. To learn more about the first country-focused Netpreneur Training Program held in March this year for Rwanda-based entrepreneurs, please visit Alizila.

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