Solve IT, the nationwide innovation competition by iCog Anyone Can Code(iCog-ACC) held its grand finale today. Supported by the U.S. Embassy and Dashen Bank, the competition that targets young visionaries between the ages of 18-28.

The Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration announced that agricultural exports had generated over USD 172.9 million during the first three months of the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

Long-term consumption of water with fluoride levels far above established drinking water standards may be linked to cognitive impairments in children, according to a new pilot study from Tulane University.

Ethiopian Airlines has said that it never had the intention of setting up an airline in Nigeria, but was invited to do so by the Federal Gov­ernment.

Winners of the Global Startup Awards (GSA) Africa Summit which took place in Addis Ababa from 25-27, October have been recognized in a closing ceremony held at Friendship Square in Addis Ababa.

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